International Graduate scholarships are open

International Graduate scholarships are open for applicants from Somalia, Eritrea , South Sudan and Djibouti. Applicants must intend to be a full-time student at the University of Gondar. Specifically, to be eligible to apply for the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program’s International graduate scholarship, applicants must meet the below listed criteria:

-Earned a Bachelor’s degree in a discipline relevant to their proposed graduate program from recognized University using English as a medium of instruction in the past 5 years with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale) at graduation;
-Be citizen and permanent resident of Somalia, Eritrea , South Sudan and Djibouti (and residents of the respective countries for at least five years at the time of their application),
-Youth applicants with disabilities
-Female applicants who are economically disadvantaged and have financial difficulty and cannot finance graduate university education;

If you are from the above 4 countries and meet the criteria you can apply online!


International Graduate Scholars