For the third consecutive year, one of the University of Gondar’s renowned international partnerships continues to educate one of the countries disenfranchised and disadvantaged communities. The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program was launched in 2017 and it will educate 450 talented youth with disabilities and disadvantages from five East African Countries, which include Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Eritrea (refugees in Ethiopia) and South Sudan.
Currently the Scholars Program at the University of Gondar will be accepting new Scholars who will be future transformative leaders who will uplift their communities. Moreover, this year, for the first time, the Program seeks to enroll students from various East African nations.
During the recruitment process, applicants from many of Ethiopia’s neighbors have applied. Through various vetting procedures, the program has narrowed the batch to those who were interviewed and those who will be in the near future. Seven applicants from Somalia have been interviewed and those from South Sudan and Eritrea (refugee in Ethiopia) will have the chance to express their desire to join the Mastercard Scholars Program in the near future.
Recently a team comprising of Program A Manager, Dr. Mikyas Abera, and Postgraduate Coordinator, Mr. Nega Mihret traveled to various countries to have in depth face to face interviews with prospective candidates. Moreover, the international Scholars are set to begin their education this fall. Moreover, without a doubt, they will join numerous scholars who are already making a sizable impact in their lives and in their communities.
Domestically, Ethiopian postgraduate applicants have also applied for the Scholars Program for the second consecutive year. Seventy-two possible applicants have applied of which 44 were actually eligible (24 being males and 20 being females).
The Scholars program has finished accepting undergraduate applications for its 2020 academic year as well. All those who are interested in future opportunities can get all the required information on the official program website
By Samuel Malede| Scholars Program Communications Coordinator