PhD Scholarship Opportunities for University of Gondar Faculty

Through the UoG/Queen’s/Mastercard Foundation Project, Queen’s University is offering an opportunity for 44 exceptional faculty leaders from the University of Gondar (UoG) to complete a PhD at Queen’s in a range of disciplines, including but not limited to Rehabilitation Science, Nursing, Law, Engineering, Education, or Epidemiology, with a research dissertation focused on inclusive education, community-based rehabilitation, or other relevant issues facing people with disabilities and their families in Ethiopia or the continent of Africa.

Please Note: The Final Cohort of the 44 PhD Fellows will commence in the Fall of 2022

Scholarship Details

The successful PhD Fellow will receive the following funding package:

  • Original flight and airport transfer from Ethiopia to Canada to begin your studies, one round trip and airport transfer from Canada to Ethiopia for your dissertation data collection period, and a final flight from Canada to Ethiopia at the end of your Mastercard Foundation Fellow support.
  • Reimbursement for student visa-related costs
  • Full Queen’s tuition/fees
  • International student health insurance coverage (UHIP)
  • A laptop computer
  • An annual allotment for required printing, books, and supplies
  • An intensive, three-month English for Graduate School Preparation course, in summer before commencement of fall coursework
  • Modest, one-time installation allowance
  • Modest, one-time winter clothing allowance
  • Modest living allowance
Eligibility Requirements for Admission to Queen's School of Graduate Studies

All applicants nominated by UoG will receive a hard copy application package from Queen’s that they will need to fill out and return to the Faculty Development Coordinator at UoG, Dr. Adugna Abebe Within this application package, applicants must include:

  • Completed application form
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation from professors under whom the applicant has studied (note: letters must use the form provided in the application package).
  • Two (2) official transcripts from each university previously attended. If the degree is not complete at the time of application, an official interim transcript should be provided with the final transcript forwarded as soon as it is available. Transcripts must demonstrate upper second-class standing (B+) in a Master’s degree.
  • Proof of acceptable competency in English. Specific tests accepted and minimum test scores can be found at the following website:
  • Professional Curriculum Vitae with a list of community engagement and volunteer activities, as well as all previous academic awards and publications, including abstracts and full papers
  • A letter of intent, no longer than 3 single-spaced pages, describing the applicant’s personal and professional background, previous and current involvement in disability and CBR, motivations for pursuing a PhD program, key topics of interest, a potential dissertation subject, and post-PhD plans. In this letter, applicants should also specifically outline how their achievement of a PhD from Queen’s will contribute to improving the Mastercard Foundation Scholar experience at the UoG.
  • Any other documents as required by the individual department at Queen’s